Structural Design, Building Physics, Sustainability

Structural design is another core competence of SDA, which was established through the fusion with the engineering office El-Deib from Stolberg. SDA's employees have many years of experience in structural design and the team consists of consulting engineers for structural design appointed by the Chamber of Engineers Bau NRW and qualified structural engineers.

In the field of building physics, selected employees are registered in the expert list of the KfW funding programmes "Construction and Renovation” and as state-approved experts for thermal and noise insulation in the list "saSV" of the Chamber of Engineers Bau-NRW. In addition, we offer energy efficiency consulting for the federal subsidy programmes for residential and non-residential buildings.


The evaluation of sustainability of buildings has continuously increased in importance in recent years. In the future, SDA will offer sustainability certification of buildings to achieve the goals of conserving natural resources, minimizing life cycle costs and preserving health and safety. SDA is currently dealing intensively with the topic of sustainability in national projects of the ZIM network "Sustainable Masonry" and in the European joint project "CRIC-Boost". SDA is able to realize integral and optimized building solutions with its competences in structural design, building physics and sustainability.