MasonryCurves database tool
The MasonryCurves database tool is used to enter and automatically evaluate shear wall tests on masonry walls. The tool makes it easy to create new and edit existing MasonryCurves database files. In addition, existing and custom Python scripts can be executed from the MasonryCurves database tool, allowing the data to be analyzed flexibly.
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The graphical user interface of MasonryCurves provides a tabular view of all data records from the currently open database. Various functions for creating new and editing existing data records are available via the ribbon. There are also functions for filtering and evaluating the selected data records.
Report output
Via the menu item Report within the menu Evaluation it is possible to output the respective selection in the form of a report in PDF format. In addition to brief statistics on the respective selection, numerous details on the properties of the individual tests as well as a graphical output of the envelope and the bilinear approximation of the test result are output for each data set.
Example data set
A sample database is available in the "Examples" folder in the installation directory. This is used to test the various functions.