Structural Health Monitoring

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) uses permanently installed sensors to continuously record data related to the actual status of a structure. Such a monitoring applies not only to the structure itself, but can also include environment (such as weather conditions) in order to be integrated in an overall assessment. The permanent monitoring allows to provide relevant indicators right away which helps operators and owners to optimally use and maintain their structures.

SHM has a wide range of application and offers numerous advantages from the live detection of issues, optimization of maintenance (up to predictive maintenance), extending the lifetime of infrastructurs and post-event assessment (e.g. after an earthquake). 

With the help of our web-platform and specific software the measured data is processed and displayed in smart graphics and user friendly dashboards. The web-platform allows to consult the structural health of assessts from any end-user device from anywhere at any moment. The system can also generate alerts to be dissiminated via various channels. 

Structural health monitoring by itself is already established and a very useful tool to identify potential damages and visualize the collected data. Thanks to the common standards, the BIM technology is now also widely used. Nevertheless, the information inside a BIM model is conceived to be a static information and yet, there are no solutions to easily and permanently update the BIM model based on transient sensor data. Furthermore, the data collected by sensors to feed structural health monitoring usually require some post-processing and engineering interpretation to provide a meaningful picture of the SSCs and to draw conclusions by decision makers. Also there needs to be a consistent and structured data management to exploit the data and build a digital twin. The focus of the new approach is mainly on structures, as those are still not monitored on a regular basis and require a calibrated numerical model to reflect the real behavior. But it allows also the continues monitoring of arbitrary non-structural elements with importance for the building operation. All together it allows to study the dynamic performance by building simulation tools for a variety of different boundary conditions and over its lifetime (from design to dismantling).

Thus, a novel approach to merge all three disciplines has been developed in order to combine the individual advantages and provide to the end user a highly modular, but still comprehensive dashboard for displaying the real-time behavior of the SSCs and also the quantification of damage indicators. The “intelligent” SHM integrates the dynamic sensor data into BIM models and displays with customizable dashboards the measurement data and evaluation results in a comprehensive manner to the end user. 

The system, initially designed to provide insights during and after an earthquake, is versatile and can integrate any sensor data, from e.g. temperature (slow incremental change) to accelerations (highly transient and high resolution).

Why you should use our services

A team of highly qualified civil engineering, monitoring and computer science experts is the foundation of our experience and will assist you throughout the full project life cycle. Based on our hands-on experience with clients and their their needs, we have a clear understanding of appropriate and customized solutions for each case.

 A team of highly qualified civil engineering, monitoring and computer science experts is the foundation of our experience and will assist you throughout the full project life cycle. Based on our hands-on experience with clients and their their needs, we have a clear understanding of appropriate and customized solutions for each case.

Years of experience
We are assisting and supporting public- and private-sector contracting authorities from national governments and local authorities to industrial companies and concession holders in the management of their infrastructure.

Our resources
We strive to provide a full service for each project, from the inital conceptual planning, selection of appropriate sensors, installation on site, software configuration, operation, hosting and commissioning.

Custom solution
Our approach is highly modular and we provide a customized, tailor-made solution for our clients. We are not tied to a specific hardware and given our open and flexible architecture, we integrate the sensors which are necessary, from different manufacturers, to work together and provide a unique experience. The dashboards we develop are adapted to the customer needs: from high level decision maker to expert engineer.


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